Posted on Apr 24, 2024

Finding Peace In The Chaos of Life  

Feeling at peace with who you are and where you are in your life is possible for anyone, and you don’t need to go on a long spiritual retreat through India to find it. And while being relaxed is nice, sometimes the best times to practice finding peace are in those intense moments of chaos: While you’re rushing around trying  to get everyone ready and out the door for school, standing in line at the  pharmacy, or when you hit major traffic on your way to an appointment or work.  

Having the ability to reach into your bag of tools and pull out peace in moments like this is like having a magic wand. The first step to practicing this in your own life is to recognize that you have an internal reservoir of peacefulness and faith that it will all work out inside. The only thing you need to do, is learn how to tap  into it.  

Linking Peace To Your Breath  

Anyone who practices yoga, breath work, or meditation will be the first to tell you that learning to harness the power of breath control is a skill that will carry you through the rest of your life. Knowing how and when to control your breath helps to shift your state of mind and the energy swirling inside the body.  

Controlled, slow breathing triggers the relaxation response inside our bodies. Slow and intentional breathing slows down your heart rate, calms the nervous system, and brings you back into the present moment. Breathing is one of the fastest and most effective ways to achieve inner peace, and it’s a tool you can utilize anytime, anywhere.  

Here’s how to do it: 

  1. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose as you count to four.
  2. Hold the breath as you count to seven.  
  3. Exhale through the mouth for a count of eight.  

Focus on making your exhales longer than your inhales. This stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, initiating a relaxation response within the body. 

Take A Moment To Visualize A Peaceful Place 

Another easy way to feel more at peace is to visualize it. Your mind is an  incredibly powerful tool that can take you into a different state of being in only a few minutes. The art of visualization is a practice, and one that becomes stronger the more you do it.  

Close down your eyes, and see yourself in a place that makes you feel at peace. Perhaps you picture the ocean, or a tranquil forest. Sitting on the dock at your summer getaway on the lake, or being in the company of someone you love. Whatever feels right for you, is perfect. Each time you’re feeling unsettled, bring yourself back here and find the details of your surroundings becoming more and more clear each time you visit.  

The Art of Meditation 

Meditation is undoubtedly one of the best places to regularly practice moments of peace. The act of calming your mind and connecting to the breath and the present moment is a surefire way to reduce stress, anxiety, and to clear the mind of racing  thoughts.  

Whether you prefer listening to some quiet music playing while you sit in near silence, or prefer the company of a guide, meditation helps to regulate your nervous system and recenter emotions. It’s a practice of being in the moment, and not trying to numb or run away from anything that is bringing you out of peace.  

Take a mindful pause in your day to notice the good things, big and small. Appreciate how warm the sun feels on your skin, how delicious that first brewed cup of coffee tastes in the morning, or how quiet your house or morning commute becomes once everyone is off to school and you have a moment for yourself with  your thoughts. 

Accepting What Is 

While all of these practices can help you pull yourself out of the chaos temporarily, the larger picture is learning to accept the existence of things that are out of your control. As difficult as it may be, accepting what is without feeling like you need to control it or change it is a way of life.  

It is within the resistance where suffering is created. When you begin to put your life into flow and allow yourself to align with what is already here, you can begin to have a sense that you are flowing with your life, and not against it.  

When life starts to throw lemons at you, take a pause. Stop everything you are doing or thinking and take a slow deep breath. Remind yourself that this is what is happening right now, and that all moments and experiences are temporary. 

This month's meditation, titled 10 MINUTES OF PEACE, is the perfect morning meditation practice to keep your mind and body in a state of peace. From my heart to yours, I hope you enjoy this practice and begin to incorporate some of these other ways of practicing peace (even in chaos!) into your life. 

For more inspiration and guidance on how to bring more love, in all its forms, into your life with ease, schedule a breakthrough coaching session with Nikki HERE.