
Embracing the Beginner's Mind (with curiosity and wonder, instead of shame or judgment) Posted on Sep 29, 2021

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the...

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What is Healing? Posted on Sep 22, 2021

Are you exhausted by the seemingly never-ending healing process and...

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What is the point of meditation, anyway? Posted on Sep 15, 2021

“Meditation is not spacing out or running away. In fact, it is being...

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"This is something I will beat--I will overcome!" Posted on Sep 01, 2021

"This is something I will beat--I will overcome!" ~Hypnotherapy Client,...

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Can Meditation Reduce My Chronic Pain? (Or is mindfulness just a bunch of hooey for pain relief?) Posted on Aug 26, 2021

Chronic pain is not all about the body, and it’s not all about...

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What Does A Consistent Meditation Practice *Really* Feel Like? Posted on Aug 04, 2021

“I am doing the 21-day Movement and Meditation Commitment, the best...

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What does your pain allow you to avoid? Posted on Aug 01, 2021

“Everything that occurs is not only usable and workable but is...

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Is It Possible To Walk A Completely Different Path With Confidence? Posted on Jul 28, 2021

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of...

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How To Build Confidence (without dying of embarrassment or fear) Posted on Jul 21, 2021

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means...

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The Keys To Developing Self-Confidence Posted on Jul 16, 2021

“You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t...

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Why Is It So Hard for Me to Trust Myself or Anyone Else? Posted on Jul 06, 2021

Why Is It So Hard for Me to Trust Myself or Anyone Else?  AND How to...

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How To Get Relief From Relentless Striving Posted on Jun 19, 2021

How To Get Relief From Relentless Striving

“Self-realization is...

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